Data Marketing

Data Driven
Marketing  circle

12 million Senior Executive Contacts
12 million Senior Executive Contacts
12 million Senior Executive Contacts
12 million Senior Executive Contacts
12 million Senior Executive Contacts

A Targeted Approach  circle

With over 12 million global data records, BizClik can connect you with your ideal customer with a targeted content driven approach. Our brands have deep industry coverage and is a trusted source of news and information for business leaders.

Executive Function 

Corporate Executive  -  20%

Finance  -  14%

Sustainability  -  11%

Tech & Telco  -  16%

Procurement & Supply Chain  -  15%

Global Industries  -  24%

Role & Responsibility 

CXO  -  59%

VP  -  11%

Director  -  17%

Manager/Head  -  6%

Other  -  7%

Company Size (EMP) 

Over 10K  -  37%

1K-10K  -  27%

500-1K  -  8%

250-500  -  11%

Under 250  -  17%

Let's Take Aim  circle

It's time to get connected.

BizClik by the Numbers circle circle circle

Sometimes we don’t need words, the numbers speak for themselves.

22 k
Global Clients
2 m
Global Monthly Website Users
850 k
Social Media Followers
1.2 m
Newsletter Audience
95 k
Global Event Registrations
15 m
Global BizClik DataBank
150 %
YoY Audience Growth

Our Other Services  circle


Creating Insightful

Company Reports  circle

Content & Video

Creating Exclusive

Content circle

Events & Awards

Creating Events 
Connecting the World's Digital Leaders circle

Media & Sponsorship


Digital Media
& Sponsorship

Opportunities  circle